Sunday, May 22, 2011

sometimes its tough

It started out okay -- mom was starting to sweep and help me out front -- but it went sour when she got disoriented.   I have to admit I just wanted to be able to work and get done the clean up -- but she just was so uncertain about what to do -- she was so unhappy doing it after a certain point -- then the negativity poured in -- So you want me to leave right?  I just should curl up and die.... This when she doesn't hear me for the 3rd time say - yes mom please put what you swept into a bag.

Then it spun out of control -- I could have said the sky was blue and she would have thought I was criticizing her.

Okay so now let me get perspective -- if I really want to solve this problem -- I have to figure out what her motivation is to say these things.   What does she gain by doing this?  Is it a sense of control?  How should I respond when the negative energy starts to barrel in?  Thoughts?

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